Developing “Korean Vector” of ISU’s International Activities

Prof. Konstantin Grigorichev, ISU Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation, took part in the VII International Forum of Korean and Russian Leading Universities Rectors on November 28 th , 2019.

Prof. Konstantin Grigorichev, ISU Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation, took part in the VII International Forum of Korean and Russian Leading Universities Rectors on November 28 th , 2019. The Russian delegation included representatives of 14 Russian Universities. The participants discussed the results of interaction with Korean partners and practical steps to be taken for the development of further collaboration.

At the International Forum Prof. Grigorichev presented ISU’s intention to advance the development of Russian-Korean collaboration:

-          Irkutsk State University outlined the intensive development of “Korean vector” in the framework of ISU’s international activities. In particular, ISU strives for occupying the position of a leading center for teaching Korean Language. ISU’s intentions for establishing the ISU Center of Korean Studies were announced as well. This Centre is expected to serve as a communication platform for Korean and Siberian Universities as well as Korean and Russian business organizations.” – Konstantin Grigorichev commented on.

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